Tax Invoice Issuance Policy for Kanom Siam

To request a tax invoice, please follow these steps:

  1. Take a photo of the receipt from Kanom Siam.
  2. Take a photo of the product purchased.
  3. Provide the necessary details for the tax invoice, including:
    • Full name or company name
    • Tax ID number
    • Address for the invoice
  4. If you wish to receive a physical copy of the tax invoice, please provide:
    • Name
    • Contact number
    • Mailing address for document delivery
      If you prefer receiving the invoice via email, please provide your email address.

Processing Time:

  • Email: Tax invoices will be sent within 3-7 days.
  • Postal delivery: Physical invoices will be sent within 3-14 days.

Please send all required information to